Recipe for a homemade eye mask

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Recipe for a homemade eye mask

Homemade Eye Masks
Create your own homemade, de-puffing eye masks with simple ingredients: cucumber and a liquid of choice (water, rose water, aloe).

1/2 cucumber no need to peel or remove seeds
2 TB liquid of choice such as: aloe vera gel or juice, rose water (or rose water), filtered water
6 mint leaves optional, or as many leaves as desired
8-10 round cotton facial pads. Most stores sell cotton facial pads.
Special Equipment:
food processor or blender
medium bowl
sheet pan
parchment paper

Cut 8-10 cotton facial pads in half. And line a sheet pan with parchment paper (or wax paper--just something the frozen eye masks won't stick to). Set aside.

Cut the cucumber into slices or chunks. The size doesn't matter, just make sure your blender or food processor can easily puree the cucumbers.

Add the cucumber slices, liquid of choice (such as: rose water, filtered water, or aloe vera gel or juice), and (if using) the mint leaves to the food processor or blender. Keep in mind, my blender doesn't handle such a small amount of food well, so I go with a food processor. This will depend your blender.

Blend the mixture until smooth (about 30-60 seconds).

Place a sieve over a bowl. Pour the mixture through the sieve to separate the pulp from the juice. Discard the pulp. Alternatively, you could add a small amount of the pulp to honey or yogurt and make a facial mask. Just a thought for stretching this pulp even further.

Place a halved cotton pad in the juice for just a couple of seconds. Remove the pad from the liquid and gently squeeze out any excess liquid. Then place the pad on the sheet pan. Repeat until you've used up all the liquid.

Freeze the eye masks until solid, about 30 minutes. Then pull the frozen eye masks away from the sheet pan and place in a storage container or bag and freeze until needed.

The eye masks will keep in the freezer for a few months (I'm guessing about 3 months, although I've used mine much faster).

To Use:
Remove 2 eye masks (a set) from the freezer. Apply to the skin, under the eyes.

The eye masks are coming directly from the freezer, which is FREEZING cold. This means the masks are going to be FREEZING cold. Plus, they won't be very pliable. If you prefer, set the eye masks on the counter for a few minutes, until they lose that extra chill factor and are easier to work with. I personally don't mind the initial cold experience. Also, at first the eye masks may not stick well to your skin, just keep adjusting as needed until they stick. This may take some fussing at first, but I promise they will stick so you don't have to hold them against your skin. Nobody has time for that!

I find the masks to be very soothing and an instant wake-me-up in the morning, along with being hydrating and incredible at de-puffing. There's no limit to how often the eye masks may be used. I've used them as often as I feel the need for some pampering or de-puffing.