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colour, paint, recommendations, repair -

If your kitchen is due for a paint job, don’t just opt for white by default.We asked colour expert, Rachel Lacy, to share her top tips for choosing a new paint colour for your kitchen.Unleash the colourAccording to Rachel, the next decade is going to be about bold and bright colours in the home – and the kitchen is the perfect place to start.“The kitchen is a lively space,” Rachel starts. “It’s a space where you can bring in some bright, contrasting, lively colours because that’s what a kitchen is. It’s not a space that requires ultra-sophistication. We can save...

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cleaning, home, recommendations, repair -

The contractors have gone home and your renovation is done and dusted – or is it? Your job isn’t over just yet…After a renovation is complete, there’s a number of things you need to do before life can go on as usual. You need to recycle or dispose of any waste (especially if you went the DIY renovation route), get organised, settle back in and update your insurance.Decluttering and home organisation expert,has a few ideas to help you manage the post-renovation process.1. Recycle or dispose of any problem wasteWhether big or small, all renovations result in some kind of waste,...

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