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colour, health, home, recommendations -

🌿 What is blood pressure?Blood pressure is a measure of the force that puts blood on the walls of the arteries as the heart beats. This force varies throughout the day, depending on physical activity, the effect of some foods, medications you eat, among others.Blood pressure measurements are expressed as two values, a larger number, called systolic blood pressure, and a smaller number, diastolic blood pressure. The two numbers are usually written, separated by the "/" sign. The unit of measurement for blood pressure is millimeters of mercury (abbreviated mmHg). For example: 120 / 80mmHg.Normal blood pressure in adults should...

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colour, paint, recommendations, repair -

If your kitchen is due for a paint job, don’t just opt for white by default.We asked colour expert, Rachel Lacy, to share her top tips for choosing a new paint colour for your kitchen.Unleash the colourAccording to Rachel, the next decade is going to be about bold and bright colours in the home – and the kitchen is the perfect place to start.“The kitchen is a lively space,” Rachel starts. “It’s a space where you can bring in some bright, contrasting, lively colours because that’s what a kitchen is. It’s not a space that requires ultra-sophistication. We can save...

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